Smart software that makes running your small business easy, fast and secure.
Not only is the system free to try for 30 days .The ROI is more than interesting
No start-up costs. A fixed fee per month per user.
The time of dragging heavy files is over. With centralized management, all audits, projects, invoices are easily managed from a central location. You and your employees can feature all the information needed to continue working on a project, everywhere.
A Cloud based solution easy to access anytime, anywhere and is safe to use. Your data is safe on powerful and fast servers in highly secured Microsoft Azure Cloud, guarantees a 99.9999% uptime.
Through continuous developments we strive to improve the quality.
The Audit tab allows users to view a summary of audits, including a count of audit findings that are open, closed, and past due. With one click, users can view all of the findings assigned to that audit.
Advance FiltersThe filter or query function allows you to narrow down the list of audits. For example, the list of audits can be limited by type, status, priority of findings, past due findings, archived findings, tags, and more.
ArchiveUsers can also “archive” complete audits along with the underlying assigned findings. Archiving audits allows management to maintain the audit data for metrics, but remove the information from initial menu.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSThe Findings tab allows you quick access to the listing of audit findings (List View/Board View).. With the filter/query function, you can limit information to item such as:
Finding Priority or Status
Finding Age, including past due age
Archived, repeat findings, or followed findings
Department or Individual
Finding tags or custom field values
There are other capabilities that are not found in a spreadsheet. These capabilities include sending email reminders to an finding assignee, being notified of changes to an findings, such as findings you follow, and assigning tags or labels to findings.
The system allows you to performing bulk actions on many items, including selecting multiple audit findings for export. Below is a listing of mass edit capabilities within the Findings section.
Add comments or tags
Assign findings to an individual or department
Assign finding to an audit
Export findings to Excel
Follow / Stop Following (would display/remove from Dashboard widget)
Update Target Resolution Date (finding due date)
Update Actual Resolution Date (finding completion date)
Update Finding Priority (high, medium, low)
Update Finding Status (Open, Closed)
The Project tab allows users to view a summary of projects, including a count of project tasks that are open, closed, and past due. With one click, users can view all of the tasks assigned to that project.
Advance FiltersThe filter or query function allows you to narrow down the list of projects. For example, the list of projects can be limited by type, status, priority of tasks, past due tasks, archived tasks, tags, and more.
ArchiveUsers can also “archive” complete projects along with the underlying assigned tasks. Archiving projects allows management to maintain the project data for metrics, but remove the information from initial menu.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSThe Tasks tab allows you quick access to the listing of project tasks (List View/Board View). With the filter/query function, you can limit information to item such as:
Task Priority or Status
Task Age, including past due age
Archived, repeat findings, or followed tasks
Department or Individual
Task tags or custom field values
There are other capabilities that are not found in a spreadsheet. These capabilities include sending email reminders to an task assignee, being notified of changes to an tasks, such as tasks you follow, and assigning tags or labels to tasks.
The system allows you to performing bulk actions on many items, including selecting multiple audit tasks for export. Below is a listing of mass edit capabilities within the Tasks section.
Add comments or tags
Assign tasks to an individual or department
Assign task to an project
Assign task to an sprint broad
Export tasks to Excel
Follow / Stop Following
Update Target Resolution Date (task due date)
Update Actual Resolution Date (task completion date)
Update Task Priority (high, medium, low)
Update Task Status (Open, Closed)
Register time against task.
Track accurately the time spent with multiple timers
Time ApprovalThe time approval module offers a simple (and optional) timesheet approval process..
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSKeep track of your project expenses effortlessly.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSThe Risk tab allows users to view a summary of risks.
Create risk for projects and audits, assign owner and track
Risk Matrix Graphical Display.
Advance FiltersThe filter or query function allows you to narrow down the list of risks.
ArchiveUsers can also “archive” closed risks.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSThe Audit tab allows users to view a summary of invoics, including a count of invoices past due. With one click, users can customize, edit and send invoices.
Advance FiltersThe filter or query function allows you to narrow down the list of invoices.
ArchiveUsers can also “archive” paid invoice . Archiving invoices allows management to maintain the audit data for metrics, but remove the information from initial menu.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSThe Audit tab allows users to view a summary of invoics, including a count of quotations past due. With one click, users can customize, edit and send quotations.
Advance FiltersThe filter or query function allows you to narrow down the list of invoices.
ArchiveUsers can also “archive” paid quotation . Archiving quotations allows management to maintain the audit data for metrics, but remove the information from initial menu.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSThe Tickets tab allows users to view a summary of tickets (List View/Board View)., including a count of tickes that are open, closed, past due and priority counts . With one click, users can view all of the ticket assigned to that team member.
Advance FiltersThe filter or query function allows you to narrow down the list of tickets. For example, the list of tickets can be limited by type, status, priority of findings, past due findings, archived tickets, tags, and more.
ArchiveUsers can also “archive” closed tickets. Archiving tickets allows management to maintain the ticket data for metrics, but remove the information from initial menu.
GET STARTED - FREE TO TRY FOR 30 DAYSPerformance, Summarized Reports.
Estimate a realistic range of time to complete tasks and prioritize.
Assign resources, Work within timelines
Track actual time spent on tasks.
Create detailed, customizable high-level reports to help visualize key data.
Analyze project performance, resource utilization, costs.
Get 30-Days FREE Trial. No Credit Card Required..
Pricing CalculatorJust want to keep track of taks and time and create invoices.
If you are a small business and you are interested in managing all processes with 1 system this is a perfect plan for you
If you are a medium business and you are interested in managing all processes with 1 system this is a perfect plan for you
For customizing or on premises
Audit, Project, Ticket, Invoicing Information Manangement System.